Our library of free downloadable content and resources includes white papers, guides, ebooks, reports, case studies, industry analysis, and much more, provided by experts and vendors within the legal industry. By downloading the content, you may be contacted by the provider. The information provided is not endorsed by the YCBA or the York County Court of Common Pleas (YCCP). Sample items are for reference only as the YCCCP maintains the official library of forms for use in York County.

NetDocuments is the leading cloud document management system (DMS) that provides a reliable and secure way to create, edit, store, locate, and collaborate on documents anywhere using any device, so you can stay focused on clients and outcomes. NetDocuments helps lawyers – individually and collectively – Work Inspired by delivering on promises, providing technology that gets out of their way so they can focus on results, and eliminating the need to re-invent the wheel. When lawyers can spend less time searching and more time doing, when they can stop playing hide-and-seek with their documents, and know that they never have to sacrifice productivity for security – they become free to Work Inspired.

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